We invest in people.

At Life Squared our core belief is that the best investment you can make is in people, whether that’s you or your team. We offer programs tailored to equip workforces and individuals to reach their full potential, unlock true leadership, and inspire others.

Three professional women smiling and laughing together

Lets break it down…

A star icon with three vertical arrows


Take the lead: A team needs a leader they can trust, someone who knows how to navigate…

A mountain icon with a flag at the top


Have a vision of your future self?
Then let’s make it real, and let’s start now…

A chess piece icon

Career change

Change is growth. A series of coaching sessions that help to define your next career move…

Executive and Leadership Coaching

Each of our coaching programs are tailored around your vision of success and equipping you with the strategy, tools and action plans to make it a reality.

A professional woman, in an office, smiling at colleagues
An icon showing an arrow rising over a bar chart to symbolize leveling-up

We offer a range of transformative coaching services to cover both Leadership and Personal Development needs. We utilize modern psychometric assessment tools to give you an insightful and accurate portrait of yourself and your workplace as a whole.

An icon representing the human mind
Psychometric assessments
to form personalised strategies
An icon of a growing plant
Emotional intelligence
and the growth mindset
An icon of speech bubbles
Evaluate communication
styles and methods
An icon showing a hamster running in a wheel

Join our Career Change coaching for those looking to redesign their careers and take the leap in defining their next professional move. Whether it’s a promotion, a new start or a complete career pivot, we can support you.

An icon of a road map with goals along the way
Explore what’s important to you,
your dream career, and plan
how to get there
An Icon of a cog floating above a hand
Review of your experience
and skills base, and assess
any skills gaps
An icon of a person celebrating over a graph with rising bars and arrows on it
Understand your “why”,
and the positive impact your goal
achievement will have on your life

More about me,

A close up photo of Angela Watson, found of Life Squared Coaching, against a green background

I’m Angela Watson. Coach, Mum, Leader, Sister, Daughter, Wife, Colleague, Friend.  Not always in that order.  People are complicated – it’s what makes life interesting! – and I’m dedicated to helping individuals figure out their next steps. I am the founder of Life Squared and an Executive Coach with a background in Commercial Finance. I qualified as a CIMA Accountant twenty years ago and since then I’ve managed Finance and Commercial teams all around the UK and Ireland in various industries such as Foodservice, Logistics and most recently, Telecoms. (Brakes UK & Ireland, Ecolab, Bestway Retail and Radius; Business partnering with Vodafone, AXA UK and BT)

But who am I as a person, and how can I help?

What my clients have to say…

I wholeheartedly recommend Angela to anyone – her expertise and encouragement are transformative for those striving to excel and need that extra element to get there.


Phil W

Without Angela’s coaching and encouragement I feel my goals would have remained a part of my life that I never prioiritised.
I would highly recommend Angela as a coach to anyone who wants to excel but doesn’t have the confidence or knowledge to know where to start.


Linzi W

It was really great having the session with you yesterday. It made me really reflect on my values and it feels like a turning point for me now. I just wanted to thank you! I always feel very supported when having a session with you and this helps my motivation to move forward.
You are a brilliant coach!!!


Joyce M

I absolutely credit my upskilling progress in the last year to Life Squared. Through Angela’s coaching I gained direction and a clear roadmap to my goals. Every week via my coaching sessions I got to hold myself accountable for the things I set out to do, and learn that it really is possible to achieve what I want to achieve.


Elliott C

Book your discovery call